Wake up Woman.

It's your Time to Lead.

We stand on the brink of a new era, where AI will be ubiquitous and face unprecedented challenges in leadership. These challenges present vast opportunities for transformation and growth.

Top-down hierarchies no longer serve us, as employees are free to work from home, further away from hierarchical structures, with increased access to a vast choice of information and AI-tools.

As a transformational leader and inspirational keynote speaker, I focus on transformational leadership and professional human development.

Together we can advance the world that is not only changing technologically but also deeply respectful and empowering for all!

Take the next step

Who am I?

I am striving to bring out the best in human beings.
As a social scientist and transformational leader, I combine a strong skill set in sociology, leadership, human development, information management, Data science and Artificial Intelligence.

With my expertise I foster to promote human beings, teams and organizations, placing individuals at the centre, and preparing you for a new era of work in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world.
My leadership career took off 30 years ago, transforming people and teams, and analysing organizations.


Discover Your Potential

Are you seeking growth in your personal development? Ready to find the way through the complexities of a quickly changing workplace with greater confidence and ease? Do you need a coach who believes "you can do anything" while helping you focus on what truly matters?

I am dedicated to enhancing your leadership skills and AI competencies, essential for managing today's complex challenges. Together, we'll unlock the leadership skills you need to succeed and prepare you for the new digital era. If you're looking for a supportive partner to elevate you to the next level, let's connect.

My offer
Unlock Your Leadership Potential


Are you ready to unlock your leadership potential and lead with confidence and integrity?  Here's why partnering with me will transform your leadership journey.

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Workshops & Online Courses

«Wake Up Women! Disrupt & Transform» is a dynamic course designed to empower women to become transformative leaders in today's rapidly evolving world. 

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Book "Wake Up Woman. It's your Time to Lead."

A guide for those ready to take charge of their lives and lead with conviction.

It empowers you through a structured 10-step program to develop essential leadership skills, a growth mindset, and innovative thinking.

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Conferences : book me to speak!

As a transformational leader and inspirational speaker, I focus on transformational leadership and personal development.

I emphasize disruptive cutting-edge technologies and strategies to excel in leadership and adapt to the ever-changing world.

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Empowering Women with AI: Join Our Transformational Workshop!
Are you ready to elevate your leadership skills and harness the power of artificial intelligence?

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Meet me and book a video call

Leadership skills and AI competencies?
Choosing the right program is crucial!

Schedule a video call with me to discuss your goals and see if my program fits your aspirations.

Let's connect and unlock your leadership potential together!

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Information session

Join us on Saturday, January 4, 2025 at 19:00 (CEST)

Are you interested in the leadership (online-) course "Wake Up Woman! Disrupt & Transform" ? Don't miss this chance to get all your questions answered. 

Register now

Wake up woman!
Rise to lead!

Do you sometimes feel stuck? You question your ability to live confidently and independently? Does it happen to you to  compare yourself to others? Then this book is designed for you.

This book offers you a journey and a role-model and provides valuable information for those who want to become inspired how to rise from the bottom to the top but don't know how.

This guide will lead you towards an understanding that everything you need is already within you. It will help you to discover the key to your inner being and will guide you through an incredible journey of being a woman on this earth! You will discover that the world around you is what you make of it.

The past doesn't define what is possible for you, it informs who you are today. What defines you is the future you are creating!

Be bold, be brave and take action!


This is the title


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  • As workplace structures change and AI advances, author and social scientist Dr. Jacqueline Kucera believes now is the time for female leadership. Her book is Wake Up Woman, It’s Your Time to Lead: Ten steps to become a transformational leader and achieve personal and professional growth. Based in Switzerland, Dr. Kucera’s work focuses on gender inequalities in education, income, politics, and leadership.

    Nina del Rio
  • Review
    Une ode à la résilience et à l’empowerment féminin

    Jacqueline Kucera entraîne ses lecteurs à travers son parcours, dévoilant les étapes clés qui l'ont conduite à devenir une leader épanouie. À chaque page, elle partage des réflexions profondes et des expériences personnelles qui résonnent avec toutes celles qui aspirent à prendre les rênes de leur destinée. Avec un style accessible et engageant, l'autrice démontre que la clé de la réussite réside dans la quête de son but, l'alignement avec ses valeurs et l'affirmation de soi. Elle encourage les femmes à cultiver leur confiance en elles et en la vie, et à avancer avec détermination, tout en respectant leur entourage. Avec son témoignage. Jacqueline Kucera invite chaque lectrice à devenir la meilleure version d'elle-même, à embrasser son potentiel et, à son tour, à inspirer les autres.

  • Review
    Timely and encouraging

    From the very first page, I was drawn into Jacqueline’s story, captivated by her warm and evocative voice. She’s incredibly sharp and at the peak of her professional career, but her unique combination of curiosity, intellect, and humility makes this guide feel as approachable and grounded as if she were personally coaching you over coffee.
    It’s both refreshing and empowering to see a woman’s perspective that not only challenges the status quo in the world of work but also embraces opportunities for innovation and growth—ones that traditional patriarchal structures often ignore! Her optimism is rooted in a deep, thoughtful understanding that shows us how we can navigate and thrive in this evolving landscape together.
    I believe this guide is a must-read for any woman looking for a balanced and inspiring vision of the future of work.

  • 10 Stimmen zur Frauensession: «Ich möchte die Schweizer Politiklandschaft diverser machen»

    Jacqueline Kucera, Leiterin Parlamentsbibliothek, 57 Jahre alt, Neuenburg Wieso ich an der Frauensession bin: Mir ist es sehr wichtig, dass im Bundeshaus für einmal nur Frauen zusammen sein können. Der Vibe ist komplett anders, als wenn die Männer auch hier sind. Ich arbeite jetzt seit einigen Jahren in diesem politischen Umfeld und mir ist es wichtig zu sehen, welche Anliegen die Frauen zusammentragen und wie anders die Debatte ist. Man spürt den grossen Respekt und die Achtung untereinander. Das zeigt mir, dass wir alle wissen, wie schwierig es sein kann, als Frau, Mutter, Care-Arbeiterin so weit zu kommen und sich zu engagieren.

    Was ich mir erhoffe: Für mich geht es darum, ein Zeichen zu setzen. Und was es auslösen wird, ist die Verbundenheit unter den Frauen. Und die Motivation, sich zu engagieren.

    Sandra Brun